
Start NOW!

Immediately write a list of people to ask for donations:

  • Friends
  • Family
  • Co-workers
  • Neighbours
  • Parents of your children’s classmates and friends
  • Corporate donors
  • Local Businesses

Tell them about your involvement with HOPE worldwide. Perhaps it was a volunteering experience, the story of a changed life, the gratitude of a needy child or elderly.

Depending on the person’s interest or the stage of their lives, you may want to talk more about how we help needy children or how we serve the single elderly. You can also send them a website story, a link to our videos.


Tell them you are taking part in the once-a-year fundraising campaign to help us continue our service to the needy children and elderly.


Suggest an amount (teens and students: HK$10, HK$20, working professionals: HK$200, HK$300, HK$500 or more). Collect right away.


If they want more information, refer them to our website:, our facebook page:, or have them send us an


Even if they don’t give a donation, thank them anyway. Ask them if they would like to be placed on our mailing list. Get their email or physical address.


Go by faith!

Other fundraising ideas:

1. Pledge your birthday - Instead of birthday gifts, ask your friends to "sponsor" a program.

2. Use your talents

  • Perhaps you are a great baker.  If someone needs a birthday cake.  You bake.  They give you a donation.  (For HK fundraisers, it could be healthy Chinese soups)
  • Perhaps you are a good singer. Offer your singing talent at someone's special function (birthday party, engagement, even weddings). You perform. They give you a donation.
  • Perhaps you are a good singer. Offer your singing talent at someone's special function (birthday party, engagement, even weddings). You perform. They give you a donation.


MyHOPE: Make it happen ONLINE  


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